Accessible, Cheeper and More Convenient

Patients will feel more comfortable at home

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Safe and Painless Procedure

We offer a specialized form of an EEG test in which the patient is constantly monitored over a video screen

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Gathers 120-24 Hours of Data

Continuously with video aiming to capture the different events of seizure

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We accept most insurance plans

including AHCCCS plans

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What is In Home Video EEG Monitoring

In Home Video EEG Monitoring is a specialized form of an EEG test in which the patient is constantly monitored over a video screen while recording brainwave activity. This allows doctors to observe brainwave activity during the time a seizure or an event is occurring in order to identify epileptic vs. non-epileptic seizures. In Home video EEG monitoring is a safe and painless procedure.

What is Home Video EEG Monitoring


Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurance accepted.
Significant cost savings.


Freedom to move about (not confined to a hospital room).
Able to stay at home for your study.


Managed by board certified Neurologist.
Cutting edge technology.

Problem Solving

Able to make more informed and accurate diagnosis.

Differences between In Home Video EEG and Routine EGG

A routine EEG is usually 20-40 minutes of data that is obtained, as recorded from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. It is unlikely that a routine EEG will capture the seizure-like(hyphenated) events because of the short duration of recording.
An in Home Video EEG gathers 24-120 hours of data continuously with video aiming to capture the different seizure-like events the patient has in order to decide if they are epileptic or non-epileptic. The physician uses the video to look at the time of the event and what is happening with the patient to observe them. The information is then used for treatment options to help improve patient care. The physician uses the video to observe what is happening with the patient during an event.

Why do In Home Video EEG vs. Inpatient Hospital EEG?

Accessible, affordable, convenient.

Patient feels more comfortable at home, some patients cannot be admitted to the hospital, some patients will not be admitted to the hospital and many patient’s episodes simply do not occur on demand in the inpatient hospital environment. In the hospital, the patient stays all the time in their room. Expenses for in-home testing are significantly less than in a hospital setting. Instead of driving to the hospital and staying there for days, with Arizona Neurodiagnostic Services, a certified technician will come to the home and perform the study. The technician will come back after the study is done to disconnect and collect the equipment or have it done at the office. See paragraph below

Benefits In-Home Video EEG Monitoring:

  • Increases the likelihood of capturing patient episodes when compared to routine EEGs of short duration.
  • Allows the patient to complete the testing procedure in a comfortable, non-threatening environment.
  • Prevents the artificial, stressful environment of a hospital admission, thus eliminating patient triggers that occur only in the patient’s day-to-day environment.
  • Saves the patient a substantial amount of money compared to hospital admission.
About us

Home Video EEG Monitoring is a specialized form of an EEG test in which the patient is constantly monitored over a video screen while recording brainwave activity.

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